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Wechat official account help register setup

Wechat official account help register setup

Wechat official account help register setup

We help to register and setup Wechat official account!
subscribe official account - 2000 rmb
service official account - 2500 rmb
Price including:
- registration (to our or your chinese company),
- verification of official account
- first setup (intro, wechat id, logo, menu, welcome message)
For extra money we can setup Wechat Wi-Fi, Wechat Shake ibeacon,
Coupons, Vote, Autoreplay with Keywords and other Wechat OA features.
For more information please click wechat-help (dot) com

Wechat id: weforhelp


Контакт: Wechat helper
email: скрыт (написать письмо)
№ объявления: 209953

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